Tuesday, November 16, 2010

hey everyone! :)

Hey everyone,
I havent been on my blog in forever,so i will start from july.
well in july i went to Anchorage for Encampment!! and that was amazing, i met lots of nice, new people!!! it was fun, cant wait for this summer!!
then I got a job at Papas Pizza as the front girl!
it is good!! :)
then lets see in August was my 14th birthday:) that was great as always!
ooooo yeah and also on the friday before my birthday we had O-rides! which is were I got to co-pilot a sesna 172!!!!! :) it was amazing!! and the Captain said i was a natural!! :)
then in October I went to Wing conference!! which was AWESOME!! met this awesome dude who is like my best friend now!:)
then on like oct.28-30 i was in Anchorage again for AKYC 2010!!!! (Alaska youth conference) it was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! :) i cant wait till next year, except this year i want are whole youth group to go!!!! :) The speaker was Sean Smith! he was GREAT!!! and the worship leader was Adam Barta!! :) thank you guys soo much!! you helped me get alot closer to God and the Holy Spirit!!:)
and a special thank you to Pastor Mark!!!:) thank you soooo much for making that all possible!! :)
then when i got home its just been work and school
but i hope AG will pay for tickets to little beaver camp soo we can go to the PK and MK retreat!! :)
Oh and SKILLETS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!:)
when i was at AKYC God showed me I am going to be in music ministry!!!:) so they are my role models!!

well thats all for now
i will try to post more!

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